The better you know your target groups, the more targeted you can make your marketing campaigns to meet their needs. A persona is a prototype of your typical customer incorporating all your insights from market research, personal encounters and sales experience. This includes socio-demographic data such as age, gender, place of residence, income, marital status and other similar factors. Equally important are behavioural preferences (e.g. how and on which platforms do they get information?) and psychographic aspects (what are their wishes, desires or fears?).
We bundle all this information into a graphically-represented persona that helps your marketing team to create the right design and sales-boosting copy for a successful campaign.
Are you interested in making personas of your target groups in order to be able to advertise to them in a more targeted way? Download the free template from morefire. We provide you with a completed template for guidance and a blank template that you can fill in yourself. This will make it easier for you to reach your target audience far more effectively in the future.
What customers appreciate about us and what you can expect
And if you want to use personas to avoid costly waste in your online marketing, we’d be happy to help. You are welcome to contact us for a free consultation to find out more. Simply fill out the form and click send, and we’ll be in touch.