Google Ads: The top dog that nobody can avoid
With a 98 % market share in Germany, Google is the undisputed market leader in this country. Since you can reach many users here, it is even more important that you address the right target audiences – otherwise, you will burn money. We’ll help you to use Google Ads in a cost-optimised and targeted way.
Microsoft Advertising: Use Bing and Co as an efficient advertising platform
Of course, Bing in Germany does not have the same audience numbers that Google attracts. But this is also an opportunity, because in a less competitive advertising market, you can reach your target group with your ads at low prices. Recognise the potential of Bing and stay ahead of your competitors.
Whether You Are a Start-Up, a Medium-Sized Company or a Corporate Group: We Will Find the Right Solution for You!
We were able to support these great companies with their search engine advertising needs
Would you like to learn more about how the morefire team can help you lay the foundation for successful online marketing with a well thought-out SEA strategy? You are welcome to contact us for a free consultation to find out more. Simply fill out the form and click send, and we’ll be in touch.